Are You Still In Lukewarm Spiritual Slumber In This Perilous End Times? Wake Up And Watch Always. Don't Give Up. Remain Rapturable.
By Evangelist Olusola Awolaja
Indeed, the abnormal global climatic change is a vital Divine warning sign for people worldwide. Spiritually cold/lukewarm Believers, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers must wake up from spiritual slumber before it is too late (Luke 21:34-36). Time is running out on the Grace period in this perilous End Times.
The increased satanic activities globally, regular scary News on online/offline News Media, wanton killings, rampant kidnapping for ransom, unrestrained sexual immorality/debauchery, violent Islamic terrorism in some countries, recurrent global pandemic, global economic/health crises, natural disasters, rumors of wars and looming Nuclear global war, International war aggression between Super-powers, etc., are intense spiritual 'BIRTH PAINS' which are vital warning signs for spiritually discerning Rapture ready Believers-in-Christ.
The Russian/Ukrainian war is another vital warning sign for Believers-in-Christ with prophetic insight.
Surely, the always watchful and Rapture-ready 'BRIDE OF CHRIST' is not appointed unto 'DIVINE WRATH' of the prophetic worldwide Great Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) but will be mercifully delivered into 'DIVINE SAFETY' by the long awaited 'BRIDEGROOM' who is our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:36; Titus 2:13;1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:9-11, Revelation 3:10).
Spiritually discerning Believers-in-Christ with prophetic insight are not surprised with stunning global events occuring regularly worldwide in this present generation because they are amazing fulfillment of End Times Biblical prophecies (Luke 21:9-11, 34-36).
Some speculators are very fond of Rapture date setting. However, concerning date setting for prophetic Rapture, it is good to anticipate the coming of Lord Jesus Christ always but Rapture date setting is not ideal.
The reason Rapture date setting is not ideal is because discouragement will set in if the speculated date fails. Many Rapture date setters have failed before in the past and became discouraged as well as their loyal followers.
Apart from pursuing secular profession or any business endeavor, it is also necessary to be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture because it will happen suddenly when people are not expecting it. Many Biblical prophecies for the End Times will be fulfilled whether scoffers believe it or not.
The best option for perpetual preparation is to be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture, repent from known or hidden sins, remain heavenly minded, Christ focused, committed to active soul winning for the heavenly kingdom and praying for Christ's mercy to be rapturable when the heavenly glorious Rapture trumpet is blown suddenly eventually one joyous blessed day by God's Arch-angel.
Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event in God's heavenly timeline. Surely, it will happen definitely one day suddenly when people are not expecting it.
Amazingly, vital warning signs are now occuring regularly in the sky, land, seas, oceans and all continents of the Earth as well as numerous prophetic warning messages from Lord Jesus Christ. However, through demonic manipulation, Rapture scoffers, lukewarm Believers and rebellious unbelievers are still being deluded by Satan (2 Peter 3:3-9).
As true Believers-in-Christ, since we can never know the day or hour (Matthew 24:36, 25:13) of prophetic glorious Rapture, we must always be ready and also pray always for Christ's mercy to be rapturable when the heavenly trumpet sounds eventually one blessed day.
According to Biblical prophecies for the End times, Lord Jesus Christ will come again. The first is during the glorious Rapture while the second is at His Second Coming to the Earth.
No one knows the day or hour (Matthew 24:36, 25:13) of suspense filled prophetic glorious Rapture. Therefore, we must be ready always till it's prophetic fulfilment. We must never give up.
During the prophetic glorious Rapture, Lord Jesus Christ will come down suddenly at an unexpected time from Heaven and remain in the sky with the holy Angels.
At the great blast of the heavenly trumpet, loud command of Lord Jesus Christ and the loud voice of the Arch-angel on prophetic glorious Rapture day (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), the 'Dead-in-Christ' would rise first into the sky before the living Believers-in-Christ.
The spiritually hot Believers-in-Christ who trusted fully in Lord Jesus Christ from the Day of Pentecost (over 2000 years ago) until the moment of prophetic glorious Rapture, both the living and the dead, would ascend up joyously and join Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Angels in the air on prophetic glorious Rapture day.
They will all return to Heaven to attend the glorious Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7-9). The glorified Raptured Saints will remain in Heaven with Lord Jesus Christ for Seven years while the left behind people on Earth are experiencing the Seven years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Jeremiah 30:7; Revelation 6-16).
After Seven years had passed, the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth (Zechariah 14:3-9; Matthew 24:29-30) to destroy satanic evil will happen at the end of the Great Tribulation period during the "Battle of Armageddon" (Revelation 16:13-16, 19:11-21) and will be followed by the Millennial (1,000 years) Reign of Christ on Earth (Isaiah 11:1-12, 65:17-25; Revelation 20:4-6).
At the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth after the worldwide Great Tribulation period, glorified Raptured Saints will come back from Heaven to the Earth with Lord Jesus Christ riding on white heavenly horses (Revelation 19:11-16).
Glorified Raptured Saints and Resurrected Great Tribulation Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ during the Millennial kingdom period (Revelation 20:4-6) and remain as immortal Beings with supernatural bodies during the Millennial kingdom of Christ and for eternity.
Luke 21:34-36- "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth.
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."
Lord Jesus Christ admonished all Believers-in-Christ to watch always for His coming in the air on prophetic glorious Rapture day because it will happen at a time we can't know. May Christ's mercy make us rapturable by God's grace. Amen.
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