As An Active Soul Winner For Lord Jesus Christ And Dedicated Servant Of God, Your Heavenly Eternal Treasures And Rewards Are Awaiting You. Don't Give Up!
By Evangelist Olusola Awolaja
Presently, the Earth is full of intense distress and End Times scary events due to increase in satanic activities worldwide and pervasive Antichrist spirit/system.
The New World Order Globalists are desperately preparing for the emergence of the Antichrist, however the Holy Spirit (Divine Restrainer) is still restraining them (2 Thessalonians 2:6-10).
Spiritually discerning Believers-in-Christ with prophetic insight are not surprised with stunning global events occuring regularly worldwide in this present generation because they are amazing fulfillment of End Times Biblical prophecies (Luke 21:9-11, 34-36).
Surely, the 'Church/Bride' will not be on Earth when the prophetic coming Antichrist is ruling tyrannically the 'One World Government/Economy' in the satanic 'New World Order' in conjunction with the diabolical False Prophet and his deceptive 'One World Religion' (Revelation 13:1-18).
The infernal trinity (Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet) as well as hordes of wicked demons and satanic principalities from satanic kingdom will make the world very distressful for left behind people globally during the Great Tribulation period (Revelation 6-16).
Also, there will be mandatory enforcement of the mark of the Beast (RFID microchip/666) worldwide (Revelation 13:16-18) in the quest to implement the New World Order global cashless transaction agenda. Nobody globally will buy or sell or travel or receive medical treatment or carry out any activity without being microchipped and getting branded with the '666' infernal number.
Therefore, the always watchful and Rapture-ready 'BRIDE OF CHRIST' is not appointed unto 'DIVINE WRATH' of the prophetic worldwide Great Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) but will be mercifully delivered into 'DIVINE SAFETY' by the long awaited 'BRIDEGROOM' who is our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:36; Titus 2:13;1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:9-11, Revelation 3:10).
The prophetic 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) will be a time of agonizing distress for left behind people worldwide and the unbelieving Jews in Israel. Also, God's Wrath will be unleashed fully on rebellious left behind people during the Great Tribulation period.
The people 'LEFT BEHIND' are the spiritually cold/lukewarm Believers (Matthew 5:13, 12:33-37, 24:42-51, 25:1-13, 25:14-30; Luke 12:35-46, 19:12-26; Revelation 3:14-16), all categories of unbelievers and lost souls, scoffers, traditional and religious idolaters, rebellious Satanists, Occultists, Mystics and the unbelieving Jews.
In essence, spiritual coldness or lukewarm condition must stop now. Be spiritually hot always like Philadelphian Believers-in-Christ (Revelation 3:7-13). Avoid Laodicean lukewarm spiritual condition (Revelation 3:14-22). Unbelievers and lost souls must repent urgently and accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now before it is too late. No more excuse for them. They have been warned.
As an overcomer-in-Christ, your heavenly treasures and eternal rewards are awaiting you (Matthew 6:19-21). Your magnificent heavenly mansion and glorious Crowns are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. Therefore, never give up your blessed heavenly hope. Don’t give up your strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ.
In this global perilous time, don’t be a cold or lukewarm and spectator Christian. The satanic kingdom is desperate to weaken the faith of Believers-in-Christ and derail them from the 'Narrow Way' of Heaven into the 'Broadway' of Hell (Matthew 7:13-14).
As a true Believer-in-Christ, never backslide and don’t give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope (Titus 2:13). It is true we can’t know the day or hour (Matthew 24:36, 25:13) but we must never give up because it is a Biblical prophetic reality (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; I Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Don’t give up your faith in Lord Jesus Christ due to intense trials of faith, challenges of life and subtle manipulations of Satan and his wicked demons. You are an overcomer-in-Christ (Revelation 12:11). Our heavenly treasures and eternal rewards are reserved for us in heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22), kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
As profitable servants of Lord Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). Don’t be an unprofitable servant who will have no eternal rewards in Heaven.
The holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:37-42). As dedicated Believers-in-Christ, we will get our heavenly rewards by Christ's mercy.
At the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after the prophetic glorious Rapture, all dedicated Rapture watchers will get the glorious Crown of Righteousness from Lord Jesus Christ because they are perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky. Since they are dedicated Rapture watchers, the Crown of Righteousness will be the reward for perpetual watchfulness (2 Timothy 4:8).
As dedicated Rapture watchers, we will inherit this glorious heavenly Crown through the righteousness of Christ which is what gives us a right to it. Since it is obtained in a righteous way, it is an everlasting Crown, promised to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and eagerly wait for His return on prophetic glorious Rapture day. The glorious Crown of Righteousness is an eternal heavenly reward for our perpetual longing to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, at the Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven, there is a Crown of Righteousness that Lord Jesus Christ will place on the heads of all dedicated Rapture watchers because they eagerly love, watch and await His glorious appearance in the sky (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
As committed soul winners for Lord Jesus Christ, our glorious Crown of Rejoicing is also awaiting us in Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Therefore, there will be awarded the eternal Crown of Rejoicing for active soul winners for Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:19).
The dazzling gems on your glorious Crown of Rejoicing represents the many souls you won for Lord Jesus Christ while on Earth. Therefore, they will be a cause for eternal rejoicing in the presence of our blessed Savior and Redeemer Lord Jesus Christ for eternity.
There will also be awarded by Lord Jesus Christ at this heavenly Judgment Seat an eternal Incorruptible Crown for overcoming the old nature while on Earth (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). Therefore, as true born again Christians, never backslide. We should remain self-controlled, disciplined, Christ-focused, rapturable, heavenly minded and faithful to Lord Jesus Christ till the end.
At the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, there will also be awarded an eternal Crown of Life for enduring persecution and trials of faith while on Earth (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10). Therefore, never give up your strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ, persevere under trials of faith and remain heavenly minded till the end. Don’t be discouraged by satanic agents, Rapture scoffers and rebellious unbelievers.
Additionally, at this outstanding heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, there will also be awarded an eternal Crown of Glory for shepherding the flock of Christ dedicatedly while on Earth (1 Peter 5:4).
The Crown of Glory is a special glorious crown that will be awarded by Lord Jesus Christ to dedicated men/women of God who share or teaches the “Word of God (Holy Bible)” regularly with people in the churches and everywhere both online/offline. They could be Evangelists, Ministers, Prophets, Pastors, Deacons, Sunday school teachers, Child Evangelism teachers or anyone who teaches the “Word of God” faithfully to others online and offline.
Such devoted individuals will be adequately rewarded by Lord Jesus Christ for their dedication and commitment to sharing the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and encouraging always the faith of other Believers-in-Christ online and offline. Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal “Word of God” (John 1:1-5).
In conclusion, as true Believers-in-Christ, we must be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture and intensify our soul winning efforts to win numerous lost souls and unbelievers for Lord Jesus Christ in this dwindling Grace period. Don't give up or become discouraged. Remain splendid in the Lord Jesus Christ. Shalom.
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