Saturday, January 28, 2023

Vital Prophetic Warning Messages From Lord Jesus Christ About Rapture.

Vital Prophetic Warning Messages From Lord Jesus Christ About Prophetic Glorious Rapture And End Times Events.

By Evangelist Olusola Awolaja

Rapture scoffers, lukewarm Believers and rebellious unbelievers are being increasingly deluded by Satan and his wicked demons in this perilous End Times (2 Peter 3:3-9).

Surely, spiritually discerning Believers-in-Christ with prophetic insight are not surprised with stunning global events and intense spiritual 'birth pains' occuring regularly worldwide in this present generation because they are amazing fulfillment of End Times Biblical prophecies (Luke 21:9-11, 34-36).

Therefore, the always watchful and Rapture-ready 'BRIDE OF CHRIST' is not appointed unto 'DIVINE WRATH' of the prophetic worldwide Great Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) but will be mercifully delivered into 'DIVINE SAFETY' by the long awaited 'BRIDEGROOM' who is our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:36; Titus 2:13;1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:9-11, Revelation 3:10).

It is true we can’t know the day or hour of suspense filled glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36, 25:13) but surely, Lord Jesus Christ is coming on prophetic glorious Rapture day (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) because it is a Biblical prophetic reality and blessed hope (Titus 2:13).

In case you are still scoffing about glorious Rapture, read below the vital prophetic warning messages and Divine Revelations from Lord Jesus Christ about glorious Rapture and End Times events. Your scoffing is futile. Stop your apathy, scoffing and unbelieving attitude now before it is too late.

If you are still cold or lukewarm spiritually, wake up from spiritual slumber and apathetic lukewarm condition. Remain always rapturable. Shalom.

Great Storms Are Coming Soon! My Beloved Children, Are You Still Slumbering?

Divine Revelation Of Glorious  Rapture Received From Lord Jesus Christ Through Bride of Yeshua- Ruth.

My precious daughter, quiet your heart, listen carefully to My voice, and write down what I am speaking to you.

Storms, great storms are coming soon, wars, famine, pestilence, displacement of people, loss of many lives, corpses everywhere, no one to bury them.

This world is no longer the world you once knew, your days are getting further and further away from the old days day by day, and will never return to your old days.

More persecution, more control, more souls about to fall into the pit of Hell, more souls needing to come to know their Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, who came in the flesh.

My beloved children, are you still slumbering? Open your eyes and look around you right now; open your ears and listen to what is happening around you and in your lives. Can you not wake up yet?

Your children are crying "I am hungry," your loved ones are breathing their last breaths in the ashes of bombs.

Your brothers and sisters are persecuted for refusing to allow the abominations to defile their bodies, and many more of My children around the world are imprisoned and have their lives taken away because they refuse to deny Me and My Name.

Did you see it? Have you heard it? Many of you have prayed to Me, asking Me to remove all this and return to you your former comfortable and carefree life; you do not believe what your own eyes have seen, you do not believe what your own ears have heard, you think that I, as a loving God, could not have allowed all this to happen.

You are wrong, terribly wrong! I Am a loving God who loves you with an everlasting love, but I Am also a holy and righteous God beyond measure, no sin can stand in My presence.

Out of My incomparable love for you, in order that more souls may turn from the broad road which leads to death, and back to the narrow path which leads to eternal life, I must let this happen.

I must send down My righteous judgment, I must put My people, My sons and daughters, through the refinement of blazing fire.

I Am coming soon, sooner than any of you think, do not think you will have many more years, I tell you, there are none! You are the last generation before My return, the most evil generation in the history of mankind, and many of you will be alive to see Me come in the clouds!

My children, are you ready? Have you put your homes in order? Can you be sure that when I come for My Bride, you will be one of them? 

Ask yourselves these questions, and if your answer is no, then seek Me while you can still find Me, come near Me while I Am still close, and call upon Me while you can still breathe.

Time is running out, My precious children. Come to Me, humble yourselves, put aside everything that has nothing to do with My kingdom and My righteousness, sit quietly at My feet, and listen carefully to My still, small voice.

Come to Me, spend time with Me every day. I have given you 24 hours in a day, how many of those hours have you actually spent with Me?

Examine yourselves, repent of all your sins. When you sin, come to Me immediately, confess your sins, and sin no more. My blood that was shed for you on the Cross is able to cleanse you from all your sins, to make your robes white again, without spot, wrinkle, or such thing.

You are My beloved, I long to have intimate relationship with you. I desire you would put everything aside to spend time with Me. 

Just be with Me alone; reading My words, asking Me questions, talking to Me, telling Me what you need, even though I have known all this before you ask, I long for you to come to Me and tell Me yourself.

Do you want to have an intimate relationship with Me, your Creator, your Abba Father who loves with an everlasting and unconditional love?

Then come, My children, I am waiting with open arms for you to run into My arms and to enjoy My great love for you. I love you, your Father who art in Heaven.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 21:9-11, 34-36; Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 4:16-17, 5:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Revelation 3:10.

Many Will Be Removed And Missing! They Will Be With Me, I AM.

Divine Revelation Of Glorious  Rapture Received From Lord Jesus Christ Through Barbara Francis.

These are perilous times. Walk by faith not by sight. Use your spiritual eyes and ears. Do not trust in deceptive words. Call on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and show you the truth.

Use your discernment. Be alert to lying signs and wonders. The great deception and strong delusion has begun. 

The fallen angels walk among you looking like men, speaking like men and ARE NOT MEN. They are the rich and powerful, gifted and talented. They worship another GOD, not I AM. Their father is the Devil. Many publicly speak of their allegiance to him. Turn away from them. 

I am coming for my children, many will be removed and missing. They will be with me, I AM. The evil ones will use this event as an opportunity to further their evil agenda. Humble yourselves, repent and call on me now. I WILL HEAR YOU.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 21:9-11, 34-36; Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 4:16-17, 5:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Revelation 3:10, 6-16, 13:1-18.

Snatched Up Suddenly! Where Have All The People Gone? Here Is The Truth.

Divine Revelation Of Glorious  Rapture Received From Lord Jesus Christ Through Barbara Francis.

Disappeared and snatched up suddenly! Where did all the people go? You have just witnessed a Biblical supernatural event that has been foretold in the Bible. Millions have been called up to Heaven by the Creator God.

This has happened before. Enoch and Elijah left the Earth in the same manner.

Those that do not know Lord Jesus Christ have been left behind. Every Word that has been written in the Bible will come to pass.

A new global leader (Antichrist) will soon come to power and proclaim he is god and demands worship by all. You will see many unexplained sights.

My Two Witnesses, 'Judgments' and 'Righteousness' will appear in Jerusalem to prophesy. Every eye will see them. When they have finished their prophecy time, they will be killed by the Beast (Antichrist). They too will be called up to Heaven.

If you are listening to this message, the world is in chaos and you are being bombarded with several explanations as to where all the people went. Your loved ones are resting safely in Heaven with Me, I AM.

Coordinating Scriptures:

2 Kings 2:1-15 "And it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal......."

Hebrews 11:5- "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:27; Luke 21:36; Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 4:16-17, 5:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Revelation 3:10, 6-16, 11:1-24, 13:1-18.

Vital Warning Message About Glorious Rapture Received From Lord Jesus Christ Through Sister Geraldine.

While I was praying, I began to intercede for the church, praying for mercy on behalf of the church of Christ. Then the Lord Jesus Christ gave me a message and this was His burden.

"There is no time. The church is not ready. The church need to wake up and be ready. If I should come now to take my Bride, many will not make it.

There are many that think they are great, thinking they stand, in their heart they think they are ready. But they are not ready yet, and if I should come now, they will miss it and mourn greatly.

Some have not finished or even started their assignment yet, while some have not completely done away with their iniquities. My people are not ready, the church is not ready. This is why I tarry, because the Bride is still sleeping. They must wake up and come together as one in perfect holiness."

The Lord Jesus Christ emphasized that many people will miss it, if He should come now. And I cried to Him to have mercy on the people, to have mercy on the church, and help us to be prepared. To wake up His Bride and send His Spirit to bring revival.

Then the Lord Jesus Christ said to me, "The people that the Holy Spirit will use to bring revival some of them are still sleeping, some are not willing, some are not even ready. 

How can revival come when the vessels are not willing, some are not willing to pay the price to be used. The revival must first fall upon the church.

I sent my Holy Spirit to knock on the door of the heart of my Bride, but in vain. For I stand and knock on the door of a sleeping Bride. How will she hear my call, how will she answer. I have been knocking, but she sleeps. She must wake up, wash herself and be ready."

The Lord Jesus Christ said, "If I should come now, even many whose names are to be written in the Book of Life even before the foundation of this world, do not even know me yet. They are my sheep, my vessels ordained form the beginning, but many of them are still in the world. 

Where are the watchers? Who would call them for me, who would wake them up. Who would wake up the Bride that sleeps and show them their Groom and bid them to get theirselves ready.

If I should come now, souls will perish. But are they not many that say they know me. Then why will they perish with only few standing.

Because they fail to watch.

How long will I tarry, and how long will you continue to sleep O Bride of my blood. 

If you have the knowledge of Heaven calculate the time, if you would know it. It is hidden from man, and yet man do not fear to keep watch every hour of the day." 

"You say you have the wisdom of this Earth, but can you discern the hour that I will come? How then do you sleep and live carelessly like you have calculated my time and your time and have known when I would come.

So you sleep to be awaken before the hour would come. But while you sleep your wisdom will fail you, and Satan will sow tares and you would wake up defiled and filthy and the doors shall be closed."

"I have never hidden it, even from the beginning, while I was still on Earth. I told you, that the hour is at hand, and the clock is ticking. I even gave you signs to discern the time. (Matthew 24). I have given the Earth space and time to gather the few that will stand, but it is short."

"O my Bride, do not take my things in vain, do not put your heart into vain things, do not neglect my work.  I have given you wisdom. Watch and pray, that you do not fall into temptations. This is my love for you, that I call you now, to wake up and remember the price that I paid."

The Lord Jesus Christ said, "Many times I have spoken, I have sent many of my servants to share my messages telling you to wake up and prepare yourself. 

When you see those messages, you repent and become vigilant, but after a while your love grows cold again and you return back to sleep. Can you not watch till I come?

Repent, Call unto Me, and seek my face daily. My grace is sufficient. For I will pour it upon those that are willing to pay the prize to watch till the end."

1 Thessalonians 5:6: "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."

Brethren, I was on my kneels crying for the church. Many people that think they stand will fall, if they are not watchful till the end. This is not the time to sleep, or focus on vain things. 

Many people are busy arguing about vain argument, when lost souls are perishing. Many people are busy trying to be more spiritual than others when their souls are not even standing. 

Some people are busy running after visions, Revelations and prophesies and have neglected the first work of Christ. We are on a battle field. Soldiers where are your weapons? Why should you sleep now when the time is near. Give no sleep to your eyes. Run this race to the end, where eternal rest is.

The heart of the Lord Jesus Christ was really heavy upon those that refused to reach out to the lost souls. We cry for the anointing many great people carry. We say if I have been given such power I would win multiple souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. I would go out and preach to multitudes. 

However, the truth is, God will not give it to lazy people. You must pay the prize for it. Show the Lord Jesus Christ that even though you don't have such great anointing, the one soul you can win or encourage is more than enough for you to go out every day and speak to someone about Lord Jesus Christ. And with that He will empower you.

Wake up sleeping church. You that say you stand, tap yourself, because some people are sleeping. They don't even know, least you fall.

Repent from every forms of sin and transgressions. Wake up and strengthen yourself ever more and seek the Lord Jesus Christ always. Stay closer to Him, be vigilant and watchful as Satan is raging.

Love, correct, teach and strengthen your brethren in Christ. How can one turn a blind eye on a perishing soul, or how can one cast a stumbling block before their fellow brothers in Christ, just to prove they are more spiritual. 

There should not be division in the body of Christ. We must live in oneness, in holiness, following the perfect doctrine of Christ. Repent, the hour is near.

Romans 13:11: "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light."

Vital Soul Winning Admonition.

Surely, Time Is Running Out In This Perilous End Times. Get Saved Now In This Dwindling Grace Period Before It Is Too Late!

By Evangelist Olusola Awolaja

What is your spiritual condition presently? Are you saved or not? Apart from pursuing secular profession or any business endeavor, it is also necessary to be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture because it will happen suddenly when people are not expecting it. Many Biblical prophecies for the End Times will be fulfilled whether scoffers believe it or not.

The best option for perpetual preparation is to be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture, repent from known or hidden sins, remain heavenly minded, Christ focused, committed to active soul winning for the heavenly kingdom and praying for Christ's mercy to be rapturable when the heavenly glorious Rapture trumpet is blown suddenly eventually one joyous blessed day by God's Arch-angel.

Henceforth, in this perilous End Times, don’t give up your faith in Lord Jesus Christ due to intense trials of faith, challenges of life and subtle manipulations of Satan and his wicked demons. You are an overcomer-in-Christ (Revelation 12:11).

Mark 8:36- "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" Are you still a lost soul or an unrepentant unbeliever? Are you still delaying your salvation or shunning the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ? Get saved now! Avoid eternal burning Hell fire (Mark 9:43-48).

Physical death can come unexpectedly before prophetic glorious Rapture at an unknown time. Also, prophetic glorious Rapture can occur suddenly at an unknown day or hour (Matthew 24:36, 25:13) because it is a prophetic reality (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).

Are you still a backslider? If you are a backslider, you should repent now and rededicate your life to Lord Jesus Christ. Never backslide. Avoid the 'BROADWAY' of eternal burning Hell fire (Mark 8:36, 9:43-48). Remain always on the 'NARROW WAY' to Heaven (John 14:6).

It is necessary for all categories of unbelievers and lost souls to urgently accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now in order to avoid being left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day or ending up in the eternal Lake of fire and sulfur on Great White Throne Judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8)

Surely, on Great White Throne Judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8), Lord Jesus Christ will be the 'SUPREME JUDGE' on that awesome and decisive day (John 5:22-29).

An unrepentant unbeliever or lost soul can't appeal the Divine Judgment (Hebrews 9:27) of Lord Jesus Christ on Great White Throne Judgment day if the person shuns His great salvation offer now in this dwindling Grace period.

Eternity In Heaven: Why Is It Compulsory To Be Born Again?

According to John 3:3-16, 14:6, to be allowed by heavenly Angels to pass through pearly glorious Heaven’s gate after physical death on Earth, you need to have all of your sins removed through the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ.

To become truly born again, first, admit your lost sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins or wrong doings. Finally, make Lord Jesus Christ Lord of your life by fully surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life.

By dying on the Cross at Calvary over 2,000 years ago, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in burning Hell fire.

Lord Jesus Christ is the 'ONLY REDEEMER' of the world because He died for our salvation on the Cross at Calvary and rose up triumphantly on the third day (Matthew 27-28). He later ascended gloriously to Heaven as our eternal 'MEDIATOR' and He is coming back on prophetic glorious Rapture day (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9-11).

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

This Biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death on Earth as an unrepentant sinner, rebellious unbeliever or lost soul.

Lord Jesus Christ loves you. Don't ignore or reject His great salvation offer. No more excuse for anyone who dies as an Atheist, Agnostic, Mystic, Occultist, Satanist, Idolater, New Age adherent, Freethinker, Muslim, unrepentant sinner or rebellious unbeliever. Surely, Lord Jesus Christ is the "ONLY WAY" to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6).

Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination and 'I don't care attitude' when they are still alive on Earth. Don’t join these damned souls in eternal burning Hell fire. Heaven is your best choice for eternity. No more excuse for you now. You have been warned!

Pray the salvation prayer below to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ and get saved. Do it now! Tomorrow will be too late. Procrastination is dangerous.

Sinner’s Prayer of Salvation:

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived. I need your merciful forgiveness.

I believe that Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins and I am now willing to turn from my sins.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen.

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Vital Prophetic Warning Messages From Lord Jesus Christ About Rapture.

Vital Prophetic Warning Messages From Lord Jesus Christ About Prophetic Glorious Rapture And End Times Events. By Evangelist Olusola Awolaja...