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Time Is Running Out In This Dwindling Grace Period. Prophetic Glorious Rapture Is An Imminent Reality. Don't Relent In Global Soul Winning For Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise God. Hallelujah. The Divine calling of Herald Of Christ Coming Evangelical Ministry from Lord Jesus Christ are continuous soul winning online and offline for the heavenly kingdom, encouraging the faith of Believers-in-Christ through prophetic edification, wise counselling and exhortation for Christian spiritual growth and preparing people worldwide to be ready always for the glorious Rapture till it's prophetic fulfilment.

The active Gospel mission and Evangelical/Prophetic mandate of this Ministry is a continuous full time Divine assignment for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God.

Surely, time is running out on the Grace period in this perilous End Times. Active soul winning for Lord Jesus Christ must be intensified globally online and offline. There will be massive global revival and numerous lost souls/unbelievers saved in preparation for the prophetic glorious Rapture.The heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to be populated with numerous saved souls and Hell will be depopulated.

By God's infinite mercy and enduring love of Christ, if divinely touched to compassionately support the continuous full time Gospel mission as well as Evangelical/Prophetic mandate of this Ministry, it is all for God's glory. We are joint heirs of the heavenly kingdom and fellow active laborers for Christ. We should avoid apathy or cold indifference. Time is surely running out in this dwindling Grace period.

We should not relent in our good deeds for Gospel sake and love of Christ. As profitable servants of Lord Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). Our kindness and generous contribution to the massive spread of the Gospel of Christ will be abundantly rewarded in Heaven by Lord Jesus Christ.

The holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:37-42). As dedicated Believers-in-Christ, we will get our heavenly rewards by Christ's mercy.

The Bible speaks of true Believers-in-Christ receiving eternal glorious Crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Lord Jesus Christ while on Earth (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). The various glorious Crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4 and Revelation 2:10.

In essence, our heavenly eternal treasures and eternal rewards are reserved for us in heavenly New Jerusalem, kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, we are temporary pilgrims on this present Earth. We are just passing through. One joyous blessed day, at the great blast of heavenly Rapture trumpet, we will leave behind all our earthly acquisitions on prophetic glorious Rapture day and ascends gloriously to Heaven with Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Angels of God.

Eternally dazzling, magnificent and golden heavenly City- New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is the eternal blessed home of glorified Raptured/Ressurected Saints. Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

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